Dummy Ventriloquist

by Michelle Bitting

Available Now: Dummy Ventriloquist


In her latest chapbook Dummy Ventriloquist, Michelle Bitting serves up a dynamic panoply of forms & voices, wielding the sonnet, prose poem, ekphrastic modes and more in work that beguiles & thrills as it deftly embodies memory & channeled persona. With an eye for invention and ear for musical precision, this poet chisels lyric-narrative gems out of chaos in her ongoing mourning & celebration of lost landscapes & family. All this in the spirit of art’s capacity to help us survive the present, animate the future, and re-imagine the past. The braided turns of dream, verse, museum piece, film, & history skillfully excavate, pay homage, and invent through imagined convergences & wordplay. Joan Didion, Film Noir, nocturnes, dead brothers, pubescent adventures, Marie Curie, the ocean, elegy, cemeteries & family luminaries, casualties of politics, pandemic, and a fierce embrace of her beloved sons & devoted husband keep this Los Angeles poet’s urban & imaginal terrains piercing and lively.

PRAISE FOR Dummy Ventriloquist

“I’m always eager to read Michelle Bitting’s poetry: illuminating and tender, cosmic and pulsing, an exercise in love, the song of someone looking to save, and be saved.”
–Blas Falconer, NEA recipient and author of Forgive the Body this Failure

“Oh Beauty. Oh Wanting. ‘Oh,’ as Bitting writes, ‘fragile basket/ we swing through thickets/ of time, combing the thorns/ for brighter berries…’ These poems comb through the thorns of life to find and feast on that red fruit, and Bitting offers it to us, ripe and succulent, on each page.”
–Danusha Lameria, Bonfire Opera, (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020)