C&R Press Summer Tide Pool 2021 Chapbook Awardee, Shortlist, and Longlist
C&R Press publishes 2-6 chapbooks of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and other creative genres each year through our Winter Soup Bowl Chapbook and Summer Tide Pool Chapbook series. Manuscript authors selected for publication receive ten copies of the book, a $100 dollar honorarium, $500 social media and ad network promotional campaign.
We are pleased to announce our 2021 Summer Tide Pool awardee and about the awardee, shortlist, and longlist.
Matthew Meade Rocketflower
About the Author:
Matt Meade’s fiction has appeared in The Sun Magazine, Sou’wester, The Saturday Evening Post, Columbia Journal, and elsewhere. Some of his work, as well as the one good picture he has of himself, can be found at matthewthomasmeade.com. He no longer smokes.
Nora Ekeanya
Anthony Velasquez
Grove Koger
Milsom Diehl
Mark Simpson
Jordan Elliott
Jed Myers
Marina Harris
Irene Cooper
Miranda Beeson
Hannah Land
Stephanie Niu