2023 C&R Press Awardees, Shortlist, and Longlist.
We are pleased to announce our 2023 awardees, shortlist, and longlist in Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction.
Each year C&R Press awards $1000 for a book of Poetry, $1000 for a book of Fiction (Novel or Short Story Collection), and $1000 for a book of Nonfiction (Memoir, Essay, or Creative Nonfiction) along with publication of selected manuscripts. C&R Press also hosts two Chapbook competitions each year. C&R Press also holds open submissions for full-length manuscripts in each genre throughout the year. To see our other published titles please click HERE.
2024 C&R Press Awards are open in every genre.
The Press congratulates the 2023 awardees, the shortlists and longlists, and notes that the selection process was full of strong writers across all genres with a very high quality of writing.
Please see some of our author’s honors, awards, and accolades HERE!
About Kept Boy in the Afterlife
KEPT BOY IN THE AFTERLIFE is an immersive memoir of sex work crafted with a thorough and tender honesty.

About the Author
A 2021 Lambda Literary Emerging Fellow, Dale Corvino found his voice at the underground literary salon “Dean Johnson’s Reading for Filth.” In 2018, he won the Gertrude Press Fiction contest, judged by Whiting Award recipient Brontez Purnell. Recent nonfiction includes a profile of Chilean writer Pedro Lemebel for the Gay & Lesbian Review, an essay on queer longing in the digital era for Matt Keegan’s 1996, and a chapter in the Routledge Handbook of Male Sex Work, Culture, and Society. BONDS & BOUNDARIES, his debut short story collection, was released in 2023 from Rebel Satori Press.
Nonfiction Shortlist
A. Loudermilk
Alexandra Lang
Anne Panning
Scott Lettieri
Nonfiction Longlist
Andrea Simon
Sean Cabibi
Sandra Marilyn
Matthew Twomey
Torey Akers
Trevor Greene
Eve Hoffman
Cindy King, Five for Nothing
About Five for Nothing
Five for Nothing is a collection of poems that has emerged from my struggle to find language suitable to communicate experience. It is a document of my past as it is informed by the present and a testament to tenacity and persistence in the aftermath of trauma and loss.

About the Author
Cindy King is the author of a book-length poetry collection, Zoonotic (2022), and two poetry chapbooks, Easy Street (2021) and Lesser Birds of Paradise (2022). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Sun, Prairie Schooner, Gettysburg Review, The Threepenny Review, North American Review, Denver Quarterly, Cincinnati Review, and elsewhere. She has received fellowships and scholarships from Tin House, Sewannee, and the Fine Arts Work Center. Cindy was born in Cleveland, Ohio and grew up swimming in the shadows of the hyperboloid cooling towers on the shores of Lake Erie. She is an associate professor of creative writing at Utah Tech University and faculty editor of The Southern Quill and Route 7 Review. She is an editorial assistant for TriQuarterly and Seneca Review.
Poetry Shortlist
Emily Lake Hansen
Karen Holmberg
Ross Peters
Anupama Amaran
Poetry Longlist
Susan Coronel
Cameron Louie
Ryan Clark
Valerie Fox
Adam Love
Cordelia Hanemann
Mary Block
Amy Gilvary
Darren Higgins
Mary Grimm, Transubstantiation
About Transubstantiation
In these stories, women undergo transformation, sometimes reluctant, sometimes half willing – a change of essence, perhaps not visible on the surface, that alters how they inhabit their lives.

About the Author
Mary Grimm has had two books published – a novel, Left to Themselves anda story collection, Stealing Time. Her stories have appeared in The New Yorker, Antioch Review, and Mississippi Review, among others, and her flash fiction in places like Helen, Berlin Fiction Kitchen, and Tiferet. Currently, she is working on a series of climate change novellas.
Fiction Shortlist
Terry Watada
Siamak Vossoughi
Carol Dines
Tayyba Maya Kanwal
Fiction Longlist
Paul Wilson
Ayshe Dengtash
Chet Frederick
E.M. Schorb
John Darcy
Violet Guiness
Michelle Koh Morollo
Zach Powers
Rachel Levine
Roger Sedarat
Trudy Lewis
Dennis Pahl