2021 C&R Press Awardees, Shortlist, and Longlist.
We are pleased to announce our 2021 awardees, shortlist, and longlist in Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction.
C&R Press awards $1000 for a book of Poetry, $1000 for a book of Fiction (Novel or Short Story Collection), and $1000 for a book of Nonfiction (Memoir, Essay, or Creative Nonfiction) and publication of selected manuscripts. C&R Press also hosts two Chapbook competitions each year. C&R Press also holds open submissions for full-length manuscripts in each genre throughout the year. To see our other published titles please click HERE.
2022 C&R Press Awards open on January 1, 2022.
The Press congratulates the awardees, the shortlist and longlist, and notes that the selection process was full of strong writers across all genres with a very high quality of writing.
Poetry Award
Lucian Mattison Curare

Fiction Award
Joan Frank Juniper Street

Nonfiction Award
Kirsten McLennan This Is Infertility

Poetry Shortlist
Molly Sturdevant
Nicole Zdeb
Stephen Scott Whitaker
Nikki Zielinski
Fiction Shortlist
Maureen Mcneil
Christina Camarena
David Connor
Devin Murphy
Non-Fiction Shortlist
Katharine Haake
Tamara Dean
Alexandra Teague
Fiona Cheong
Sharony Green
Poetry Longlist
Kelly Rowe
Everett Roberts
Chris Speckman
Leigh Lucas
Joshua Gottlieb-Miller
Mara Adamitz Scrupe
Ron Dowell
Estelle Bajou
Rusty Morrison
Syed Zeryab Husain
Mary Gilliland
Fiction Longlist
Jess Richardson
Mary Rose O’Reilly
Doug Ramspeck
Leland Whipple
Lydia Tretheway
Wendy Wallace
Leslie Johnson
Stephanie Dupal
Saborna Roychowdhury
JD Mathes
Non-Fiction Longlist
Joe Bonomo
Arnaldo Batista
Lee Zacharias
Wayne Glausser
Steven Erickson
Monzurul Huq
Peter Fong
Sonja Swift
Diana Raab
Paula Delgado-Kling
Lisbeth White