2024 C&R Press Awardees, Shortlist, and Longlist in Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction.
We are pleased to announce our 2024 awardees, shortlist, and longlist in Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction.
Each year C&R Press awards $1000 for a book of Poetry, $1000 for a book of Fiction (Novel or Short Story Collection), and $1000 for a book of Nonfiction (Memoir, Essay, or Creative Nonfiction) along with publication of selected manuscripts. C&R Press also hosts two Chapbook competitions each year. The 2025 Winter Soup Bowl is open now! C&R Press also holds open submissions for full-length manuscripts in each genre throughout the year. To see our other published titles please click HERE.
2025 C&R Press Awards are open in every genre on January 1, 2025.
The Press congratulates the 2024 awardees, the shortlists and longlists, and notes that the selection process was full of strong writers across all genres with a very high quality of writing.
Please see some of our author’s honors, awards, and accolades HERE!
Stacy Boe Miller, Ready to Answer With Hunger
About Ready to Answer With Hunger
Ready to Answer With Hunger is an honest look at motherhood, gender, grief, loss of faith and living inside an aging body. Set in both a real western landscape and a surreal one that travels as close as the ribs of our mothers and as far as the surface of the moon, it reads at times as memoir and other times as dream.
About the Author
Stacy Boe Miller is a prose writer and a poet. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Idaho. Some of her honors and awards include a Writing in the Wild Fellowship, Winter Tangerine Fellowship, Terrain Editor’s Prize and three years serving as Poet Laureate of Moscow, Idaho, where she still teaches community writing workshops. Her work can be found in The Sun, Copper Nickel, Mid-American Review, Bellingham Review, Terrain.org and other journals. Her book Ready to Answer with Hunger is forthcoming from C&R Press. More of her work, including information about the WorkWhile podcast, can be found at stacyboemiller.com
The press congratulates everyone on the shortlist and longlist and notes that the selection process had many manuscripts worthy of publication, and the press wishes it could publish more work.
Poetry Shortlist
Zorina Frey
Alan Semerdjian
Arien Reed
Kelly Ellis
Jacqueline Viola
Cindy Hill
Poetry Longlist
Linda Drattell
Susanna Rich
Gabriela Roudis
Nick Conrad
Phillip Sterling
Jennifer Louvet
ALFREDO Félix-Díaz
Lindsey Bryant
Amy Haddad
Rachel Beachy
Brooke Ward
Rebecca Faulkner
Tiel Aisha Ansari
Nathan Long, As Is: Essays on a Queer Life, Writing, and the Unpredictable Nature of Things
About As Is: Essays on a Queer Life, Writing, and the Unpredictable Nature of Things
The collection—part memoir, part social commentary—traces my evolving understanding of sexual identity as a spiritual, queer writer-activist through the last five decades, growing up in rural Appalachia, witnessing the AIDS crisis, traveling and meditating in a Buddhist Monastery in Southeast Asia, living on a queer commune in rural Tennessee, caring for a disabled activist, and coming to understand how all along, writing and story-telling shaped my life and identity.
About the Author
Nathan Long’s work has won several international competitions and has appeared in over 100 journals, including Glimmer Train, Witness, and Indiana Review, and over a dozen anthologies, including Best Small Fictions 2023, Coolest Americna Stories 2023, and Best MicroFictions 2020. The Origin of Doubt (Press 53, 2018), my collection of fifty short fictions, was a 2019 Lambda Literary Award finalist. Other awards include a Truman Capote Literary Fellowship, a Mellon Foundation grant, four Pushcart nominations, and scholarships to Bread Loaf and Sewanee writers conferences. I live in Philadelphia and teach at Stockton University in NJ.
The press congratulates everyone on the shortlist and longlist and notes that the selection process had many manuscripts worthy of publication, and the press wishes it could publish more work.
Nonfiction Shortlist
Patricia Meyer
Bill Johnston
Engram Wilkinson
Elaine Katz
Mary Pacifico Curtis
Nonfiction Longlist
Ayla Halo
Jason Thornberry
Marian Sandmaier
Nathan Long
Kim Wildszewski
alicia alvarez-mon
Richard Thomas
Maureen Brady
About the Author
The press congratulates everyone on the shortlist and longlist and notes that the selection process had many manuscripts worthy of publication, and the press wishes it could publish more work.
Fiction Shortlist
Fiction Longlist